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E-mold Acceptance Specification for Plastic parts

Feb 29,2020 | Views: 2305

Below specification defines E-mold acceptance criteria of cosmetic inspection.


Classification on product surfaces.

Class 1 Surface: Visible "ofter" by user.

Class 2 Surface: Visible occasionlly or likely to be seen by user.

Class 3 Surface: Normally not visible or only visible during installation.


1. Acceptance Specification for Plastic parts

  Defect Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
1001 Sink 2 @ 0.05 mm deep , 1.25 mm dia 4 @ 0.10 mm deep , 1.25 mm dia Per Limit Sample
1002 Bubbles,specks,nicks,black spots 2 @ 0.50mm dia 2 @ 0.50mm dia Per Limit Sample
1003 Scratches 1 @2.5mm long per 10cm, and no more than 2 in one class 1 @2.5mm long per 10cm, and no more than 2 in one class Per Limit Sample
1004 Abrasions Only surface imperfections that do not change the surface color (less than 1.50 mm, with a min. spacing of 304 mm), or per limit sample.
1005 Splay, Burns, Gas Marks, Marbling, Orange peel, Nonuni- form texture, Pitting, Cracking,   De-lamination, Cold Slugs, Short Shots, discoloration, shine, or change in gloss None Per Limit Sample Per Limit Sample
1006 Surface dirty None <2.5mm size ,  2 place max within 150mm round area <2.5mm size , 2 place max within 150mm round area
1007 Short shot  None  None  None 


2. Acceptance Specification for Die casting parts

  Defect Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
2001 Scratches/ Abrasions <3.2 mm length < 12.7 mm length, 0.25mm width @ 25.4mm dia area Scratch:  <20.3 mm length, 12.7mm width, 0.25mm depth. < 6 scratches     
Abrasion:  < 25.4 mm dia or 3 abrasions@ 152mm dia circle area
2002 Dents/ Slug Marks <1.5 mm dia “and”<0.154 mm depth <12.7 mm dia “and” <0.5 mm depth
less than 1 mark within 220mm dia area
<19mm dia “and” depth <0.5 mm 
Less than 1 within 200 mm dia circle area
2003 Water Spots Not Allowed @ 150mm dia area:
Max 5 spots, 3mm dia or 2 spot 3~6.3mm dia or 1 spot 12.7mm dia
< 75% of surface area
2004 Finishes Per drawing or standard manufacturing specifications White rust is not acceptable
2005 Burr Less than 0.2mm
2006 Rust Not Allowed
2007 Surface dirty None <2.5mm size ,  2 place max within 150mm round area <2.5mm size ,  2 place max within 150mm round area


3. Painted or Coated parts

  Defect Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
3001 Color Match Per Limit Sample
3002 Coverage Complete, no substrate or undercoat showing
3003 Runs None
3004 Orange Peel, Nonuniform texture, Inconsistent Gloss Only surface imperfections that do not change the surface color or exceed an area of a 1” dia (25.4 mm dia) circle. No more than one occurrence per surface.
3005 Bubble, Specs 2 @ 0.25mm dia 4 @ 0.25mm dia
3006 Contamination 1 @0.25 mm dia per 10cm,and no more than 2 in one class 1 @0.50 mm dia per 10cm,and no more than 2 in one class 2 @0.50 mm dia per 10cm,and no more than 4 in one class
3007 Scratches, Contamination, Nicks, Pitting, Dent, Cracking, Delamination 1 @2.5mm long per 10cm, and no more than 2 in one class 2 @2.5mm long per 10cm, and no more than 4 in one class
3008 Abrasion Only surface imperfections that do not change the surface color (less than 1.5mm)

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Louisa Xiao

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